(a loanword from Spanish)
Castile, Spain
(a loanword from Spanish: Castilla)
in texamatl, in ichamatl, quinamaca in castillã amatl = bark paper, maguey fiber paper. He sells Castilian paper. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
noviyan altepetl ypan Ompa Castilla y noviyan Omonextitzino Oquimonexilili yvan miyecpa Oquinmoyolalilico ȳ nelli ytetlayecolticavan y nican tlalticapac = everywhere in the altepetls and over there in Spain. She revealed herself everywhere, showed herself to them, and many times she came to console her true servants here on earth (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Nahuas of the sixteenth century seem to have concluded that Castilla would have had a locative suffix, -[t]lan. Thus, we see Castillan for Castilla, in many records. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
quimonpehualtique yn ocellome castillan = they sent two jaguars off to Spain (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Inic centlamantli in momatiz, ca quenin motocayoz inin pahtli? Motoca: Tepitontepoztlaxcalli: castillancopa "Pastillas de fierro". = Por esto primera cosa que se sabrá es como se nombrará esta medicina Se llama tortillitas (pastillas) de fierro en castellano "pastillas de fierro". (centro de México, s. XVIII)
donya Ysabel Castilaxochitl = doña Ysabel Rosa de Castilla (San Salvador Tlalnepantla, 1618)
yoan nahui tomines yc mocohuaz Castillan tlaxcalli = y cuatro tomines con que se comprepan de Castilla (San Juan Teotihuacan, 1563)
ynonamictzin ytoca Maria Castilanxochitl = mi mujer María Caxtilanxochitl
ompovali gastilan totolim = cuarenta gallinas
ompeuh in visitador ynic ya Castilla[n] = partió el visitador para irse a Castilla (ca. 1582, México)