(a loanword from Spanish)
abbess (see attestions)
(a loanword from Spanish)
ynic ome ychpoch ytoca Doña Beatriz de la encarnacio. Abbadessa del monasterio de regina celi. yniquey Itoca Doña Isabel de Jesus. monja = the second daughter of his, named doña Beatriz de la Encarnación, abbess of the convent of Regina Coeli; the third named doña Isabel de Jesús, also a nun in the said Regina Coeli (central Mexico, 1611)
auh yn oc omentin cihuateopixque monjastin yn oncan moyetzticate monasterio totlaçonantzin
Regina ynic ce ytoca Doña Beatriz de la ēcarnaciõ Abbadessa yn oncan.
=“And there are another two who are nuns at the nunnery of our precious mother Regina [Coeli], the first of whom is named doña Beatriz de la Encarnación, abbess there” (Chimalpahin 2006: 220).[annals (AHT); time range: 1612]