will come to arrive (aci + co in the future purposive; see attestations)
tlahca. yn onpeuhque Tiyacahuan Joldadostin ahҫonpohuallonmatlactin ҫan mochintin palacio nemi yn oyahque tlapiazque huey atenco Acapulco, yhuan ompa quichiazque yn omoteneuh la china acalli ynic aciquiuh. Auh yniqueilhuitl yn ipan Jueues. oc ceppa cenpohuallonnahui Tiyacahuan Joldadostin nican Mexico. onpeuhq̃. yn ompa hui omoteneuh acapu[lco a]hҫizque y yaotlapiazque = soldiers, warriors, set out, perhaps 50 of them, who are all stationed at the palace, who went to stand guard at the ocean shore at Acapulco and await there the arrival of the said ship from China. On the third day, Thursday, again soldiers, warriors, 24 of them, set out from Mexico here to reach the said Acapulco and stand guard (central Mexico, 1615)