ahorita de/que

(a loanword from Spanish)

Principal English Translation: 

now that

Attestations from sources in English: 

Huan tehhuatzin aorita de n tonhuitz tontequitiquiuh, tonhuitz de huehca. Huan ¿quen tconilnamiqui ye tonhualcalaqui ihtec in tepozboteh azta tonahciquih campa mo… tontequiti? (2013-SMX) =Now that you come to work, you come from far away. And how do you remember [the trajectory] from getting on the bus until reaching the place where you... work? [oral account (2013-SMX); time range: 2013]
Loans in Colonial and Modern Nahuatl, eds. Agnieszka Brylak, Julia Madajczak, Justyna Olko, and John Sullivan, Trends in Linguistics Documentation 35 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 68.

Poz non cualli,ahorita que nonmontelpocameh. A ver, xconchihuacan n ezfuerzoh para ver quenin ocachi ce yez, ce viviroz, ocachi cualtzin in tiempoh que huitz ocachi cualtzin o ocachi amo. A ver quenin non (2013-SMX). =Well [having a cellphone] is good, now that you’re all young. So, make an effort and we’ll see how one will fare, how one will live a little bit more... a little bit better in the times that come... a little bit better, or little bit worse. We’ll see how it will be. [oral account (2013-SMX); time range: 2013]
Loans in Colonial and Modern Nahuatl, eds. Agnieszka Brylak, Julia Madajczak, Justyna Olko, and John Sullivan, Trends in Linguistics Documentation 35 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 68.