(a loanword from Spanish)
the office of the alcalde, a member of the municipal council (partly a loanword from Spanish, with the -yotl ending from Nahuatl) (ca. 1582, Mexico City)
ypan yancuic metztli henero. yquac macoque in all̅d̅eyotl. yn Don diego luis de moteuhcçoma. atzaqualco chane. ynin ypiltzin. yn tlacatl. yn ompa omomiquillito. españa. Don diego luis de moteuhcçoma. yhuitltemoctzin. ynic ome motlalli all̅d̅e. quiniyopa yehuatl yn Don Antonio valeriano. telpochtli. Sant. Juan Moyo tlan chane. =“In the new month of January was when positions as alcalde were given to don Diego Luis de Moteucçoma, citizen of Atzaqualco, child of the lord don Diego Luis de Moteucçoma Ihuitltemoctzin, who died in Spain, and second don Antonio Valeriano the younger, citizen of San Juan Moyotlan, who was made alcalde for the first time” (Chimalpahin 2006: 106) [annals (AHT, AJB, SP), vocabulary (VM 1); time range: 1566–1624 (?)]
ynin ym omextin quichiuh tihui alldeyotl. yn mexico. =“These two established the alcaldeship in Mexico”(Anderson & Schroeder eds. 1997, II: 86). [annals (AHT, AJB, SP), vocabulary (VM 1); time range: 1566–1624 (?)]
Auh no yquac quitecazquia yn al[ca]ldeme intopil auh ça[n] conitlacoque in tlatzo[n]que ypa[n]pa yehua[n]tin macozquia yn al[ca]ldeyotl = Y también en ese entonces los alcaldes pondrían sus varas y lo echaron a perder los sastres a causa de que [pretendían que] a ellos se les diera la alcaldía. (ca. 1582, México)