to bathe oneself or another person; or to sacrifice and kill enslaved people as offerings to divinities, or to offer ornaments to the temple or church (see Molina and Karttunen)
injc maltiaia Vitzilobuchtli, injc ontlamj ce xivitl. auh in caltiaia in Vitzilobuchtli: ioalnepantla = Uitzilopochtli was bathed, when the year ended. And they bathed Uitzilopochtli at midnight (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
In nehuatl ca çan atl inic nitealtia, inic nitechipahua = I merely bathe, clean people with water
Acan atl ic timaltiz, ic timochipaoaz. Inin tlatolli, ilhuiloya in aquin tlein amo qualli oquichiuh: azo oichtec, azo otetlaxin. = There is no water anywhere with which you can wash and cleanse yourself. This was said to someone who committed an offense, such as stealing or adultery.