or, nor; maybe; perhaps; only
Mōztla huāllāz in nonāntzin ànozo in notàtzin = My mother or my father will come tomorrow
aço onca anoço atley = perhaps there is something or perhaps there is nothing
in aço imixquac, in anoço incuexcochtlan, anoço iniollopan, anoço imelchiquipan, anoço imitipan, in anoço vel inxillan = the forehead, the nape of the neck, the heart, the chest, the stomach, or the whole abdomen
(Mexico City, sixteenth century)
niman vncā quinmictia, vncan quintlatlatia, aço quincuexcochvitequi anoço quintetepachoa = then they killed them there, they disposed of them, by striking them on the nape of the neck or stoning them.
(Mexico City, sixteenth century)
at...anozo = either...or; at...atannozo = either...or
Ihuan in canin ixpan tiquizaz in ixiptlatzin in Totecuyo, anozo in itlazohuan anozo cruz, huel ticmahuiztiliz = Y allí donde pasares frente a la venerable imagen de Nuestro Señor, o quizá de sus santos, o quizá de la cruz, lo honrarás de buena manera (centro de México, s. XVI)
ynic patlahuac y aço onpohuali at noço nepa amo huel niguilnamigui = tendrá cuarenta brazas de ancho o más que no me acuerdo bien (Tlaxcala, 1609)
in governadores ahnoço alcaldes yn anoço acame juezes = los gobernadores o alcaldes o ante otros jueces y justicias (Cuauhtitlán, 1599)
a la carçel techtolinia tiltique anozo españoles anozo mestiços ompa timictilo = En la cárcel nos afligen los negros, los españoles y los mestizos, allá nos pegan.