(a loanword from Spanish)
to appeal something in the courts (see attestations)
aoc ac apelar quichioaz [Mexico City (by Coyoacan writer?), 1557)
Av in ascan. nican. siuitl. oticchiuhque Apelar. nican Audiençia. omaquiza. yeuantin. motoliniani. yvan yeuantin. telpupuchtin Ayamo namique. yvan veuetzitzin (Dakin ed. 1996: 16). =Now here in this year we made an appeal to the Audiencia court here: those who are afflicted and the young boys who are not married yet, and the elders, from here on are to be exempt [from tribute]. [municipal council records (TA 140), petition (M 4); time range: 1553–1572;]
auh yn po menes [y?]estançia no poliuiz oc castilla quichiua apelar. =“And the estancia of Pedro (Meneses) is also to be abolished; he is first making appeal to Castile” (Lockhart, Berdan & Anderson eds. 1986: 89). [municipal council records (TA 140), petition (M 4); time range: 1553–1572;]