(a loanword from Spanish)
hardly, just, only
techcontaroah tocolihuan catli ni Otlaxhuayo quemman paya apenaz pan 1940 chicome calli tipeuhqueh (2016-X2). =Our ancestors tell us that in this [village] Otlaxhuayo in 1940 we started with only seven houses. [oral account (2010-Tep, 2012-Tep, 2015-X, 2016- X2); time range: 2010–2016]
nimantzin apenaz quipiya ome xihuitl tlen quimmacaqueh sello itocax ‘Certificación orgánica’ (2015-X). =It has hardly been two years now since they gave them the stamp called ‘Organic certificate’. [oral account (2010-Tep, 2012-Tep, 2015-X, 2016- X2); time range: 2010–2016]