(a loanword from Spanish)
article of faith
Inic ontetl articvlo, in iximachocatzin Dios inic tlacatl oquichtli, ca yehuatl neltocoz, ca in Dios tePiltzin in toTecuiyo Iesu Christo, omotlacatilitzino, itechpatzinco in tlaçoChihuapilli Sāta Maria tlamahuiçoltica in mochipa huel nelli ichpochtli, aic oquimopolhui in itlaçomahizichpochyotzin. = “The second article, of the knowing of God as a human being a man, which will be believed, is that God the child, our lord Jesus Christ, was born of the precious noblewoman, Saint Mary, in a wondrous way. It is quite true that she is always a maiden. She never lost her precious and honored maidenhood” (Burkhart ed. 2001: 59). [religious treatise (CC, DCLM); time range: 1550–1649]
NO.(1) Iniquetetl neltoconi tlaxiquito. Nic.(2) Ynicquetetl articulo yn itetzontlaneltoq'liztli yn quitlali sanetiago tetiachcauh quito. = “Oh my younger brother, do say the third thing to be believed. Oh my elder brother, the third article, building stone of belief, Saint James the elder brother placed it” (Burkhart ed. 2001: 58). [religious treatise (CC, DCLM); time range: 1550–1649]
Auh ypampa y anq̄momachitizq̄ yuan anquichi- cauacaneltocazq̄ matlactlamantli onahui yn tictocayotia yn teuantin / articulos de la fee (Doctrina cristiana... 1548: 15v). = And for this reason you are to know and to firmly believe in fourteen things, as we call them, articles of faith. [artículos de la fe, article of faith (religious treatise) (DC); time range: 1548]