(a loanword from Spanish)
high court; or, an audience before officials; in municipal documentation, usually refers to the members of the town council in session (see attestations)
Injc vme parrapho, itechpa tlatoa in audiençia in tlatoloian in vncan tlatoaia tecutlatoque. = Second paragraph, which telleth of the court, the place of discussion, where spoke the judges. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
cenca quinequi yn toyollo çan ompa yez cuauhtemalla audiencia = our hearts greatly desire that the Audiencia be there at Guatemala (Soconusco, 1565)
with verb, chihua = to hold audience or session
campa mochivaz audiencia cuix cuauhtemallan cuix noço mexico = where the Audiencia should be held, whether in Guatemala or in Mexico City (San Pedro Huehuetlan, Soconusco, 1565)
quitlatzontequilizque yn tecuitlatoque Audiencia Real = the judges of the Royal Audiencia will pass judgment on him (Tlaxcala, 1545)
tlanamacoz momoztla oncan audi[enci]a quichivazque yn teilpiloyan caltenco = they will hold an audience there daily at the side of the jailhouse (Tlaxcala, 1547)
yn tlatoque ompa yn mexco Audiencia Real = the judges there in the Royal Audiencia in Mexico City (Coyoacan, 1557)
[yn] licenciado maldonado viscal te su maddad yn nica tecuhctlatolloya (for audiencia) = Licentiate Maldonado, His Majesty's prosecuting attorney here in the Royal Audiencia [Mexico City (by Coyoacan writer?), 1557)]
nican audiencia imixpan Regidorme = here in session before the regidores (Coyoacan, 1557)
domingo Ramos escro audiencia = Domingo Ramos, court notary(Coyoacan, 1557)
nican audi[enci]a tlxn— = here in council in Tlaxcala (Tlaxcala, 1566)
nican tispan ohualla nican audiencia = before us here in council (Coyoacan, 1575)
nican toconteyxpantilizque yn audiencia Real = here we will make a statement to the Royal Audiencia (Mexico City, 1587)
ante mi Don nicolas pelipe escrivano Real de la audiencia = Before me, Don Nicolás Felipe, royal notary of the council (S. Simón Pochtlan, Azcapotzalco, 1695)
Y nican tecpan Audensi = Here in the courthouse in council (Azcapotzalco, 1703)
nican ipan tohuahudensia Mexicapan = here in our Mexican council (Azcapotzalco, 1738)
ahuatiencia real yntlanahuatiltzin (Cuernavaca, circa 1610)
auh yn oacico yn huell achto. Audiencia mexico yehuatl ypan xihuitl de 1528 = The very first Audiencia of Mexico arrived in the year 1528 (central Mexico, 1608)
yc oncan hualmoquixti, yc niman mocallaquico yn tecpan palacio, ynic oncan yxpantzinco quichiuhque yn ixquich tlamantli, yn tetlahtocatlaliliz. nemanilizmachiyotl. ynic tetlahtocatlallilo, ynic oquimocelilique yn audiencia real tlaca. oydoresme. ynic oncan axcan motlatocatillia = then came back out and entered the palace, when in his presence they performed all the different signs of assuming the rulership, by which he was installed in the rulership and the judges of the Royal Audiencia received him, so that he is ruler there today (central Mexico, 1611)
Av in ascan. nican. siuitl. oticchiuhque Apelar. nican Audiençia. omaquiza. yeuantin. motoliniani. yvan yeuantin. telpupuchtin Ayamo namique. yvan veuetzitzin (Dakin ed. 1996: 16). = Now here in this year we made an appeal to the Audiencia court here: those who are afflicted and the young boys who are not married yet, and the elders, from here on are to be exempt [from tribute]. [annals (AHT, AJB), petition (M 4, M 7, PCC), will (TMT); time range: 1564–1612]
yniz catqui nezqui ypeticion nican mopouh audiencia Tlaxcallan = aqui esta la peticion que se presento, que aqui se leyo en la audiencia de Tlaxcala (Tlaxcala, 1568)
oncan yn audiencia teuctlatoloyan = en la audiencia a donde se juntan los señores (Xochimilco, 1582)
yn axcan audiencia oticaquitiloque ce tlacatl mococohua quitlali ytestamento = estando en audiencia fuimos informados como un vecino que estaba enfermo queria ordenar su testamento (Ciudad de México, 1566)
real laodeçia = Real Audiencia (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
yquac netlapacholloc in teylpiloyan in xitin calli huel quitlamito callacohuaya[n] catca huel ce[n]tlacol yn xitin calnepanolli catca ycpac teuhctlatoloya[n] uncan mochilhuaya' audi[enci]a = entonces se aplastó la gente en la cárcel, se derrumbó el edificio hasta lo que era la entrada, se derrumbó totalmente una parte de la casa de dos pisos, encima estaba el juzgado [teuhctlatoloyan] allí se hacía audiencia (ca. 1582, México)
ce[n]tlacol yn xitin calnepanolli catca ycpac teuhctlatoloya]n] uncan mochihuaya’ audi[enci]a = una parte de la casa de dos pisos, encima estaba el juzgado [tecuhtlatoloyan] allí se hacía audiencia. (ca. 1582, México)