a rainbow (see Molina)
Aiauhcoçamaiotl. Iuhquin uitoliuhqui: tlauitoltic, coltic, inic oalmoquetza, tlatlatlapalpaolli, motlatlapalpouh in itlachieliz. In centlamantli tlapalli, itech neci: xoxoctic, quiltic, quilpaltic iiapaltic, quilpalli, iiapalli: yoan coztic, xopaltic, xochipalli: niman ie chichiltic, tlapaltic: yoã tlaztaleoaltic, tlaztaleoalli: yoan texôtic, texôtli, matlactic, matlalli. = The Rainbow. As if arched -- bent and rounded -- it thus appeared. Varicolored, many-hued was its appearance. The single colors which showed in it [were] green, dark green, blue green, and black; and yellow and orange or tawny; then vermillion and ruby red; and [various shades of] blue, and dark green. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
çan iuhqui yn coçamalutl omochiuh ytech motecac yn tetepe = una especie de arco rirs apareció y se colocó sobre los cerros (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)