footwear, sandal
Cuix in, yquac aca omomiquili in àço mohuayolqui in áço, oc çe tlacatl, cuix Ayatl, piçietl, mecapilli, tomin, atl, tlaqualli, oanquihuicaltique, in ipan oanquitocaque, oanquiquimiloque in amo oquima in teopixqui? = When someone died- perhaps your relative or maybe some other person- did you accompany, bury and wrap each one of them up with henequen cloaks, tobacco, tumplines, sandals, money, water, food, [and all] unbeknownst to the priest?
auh inic huey, ahmo nomahcehual inic nicnocaccopiniliz; inic nicnotomililiz in ilpica icactzin = he is so great that I do not deserve to remove his sandals, to loosen the straps of his sandals
in cuetlaxcactli cuitlachcac cactly tlacuilolli cactli in cacamuliuhqui cactly tlacuilolli cactli in cacamuliuhqui cactly yoan in cenca canavac cactli yvan in pupulcactli vecapa yoan i nacazminqui cactli yoan yn ocelocactli; ioan in tochomio cactli = leather sandals, wolf skin sandals, sandals with painted designs, thick sandals like bed coverings, and very thin sandals, and popol sandals from afar, and sandals with punched sides, and jaguar skin sandals, and rabbit fur sandals (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ycac = her sandals
yztaccac = his white sandals
in cacnamacac = the sandal seller (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Injn tlatoa, moquetzticac qujcocopina in jcac yiacolpan qujtlalia yn jnetlalpilil = This one spoke standing. He removed his sandals; he placed the knot of his cape on his shoulder (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Cuix in, yquac aca omomiquili in àço mohuayolqui in áço, oc çe tlacatl, cuix Ayatl, piçietl, mecapilli, tomin, atl, tlaqualli, oanquihuicaltique, in ipan oanquitocaque, oanquiquimiloque in amo oquima in teopixqui? = Por ventura quando murio alguno, o tu pariente, ò otro qualquiera enterrasteslo, echandole e la sepultura manta de Nequen, piciete, mecapal, çapatos, dineros, comida, y veuida, y todo á escusas de vuestro Ministro?