"house land" = the garden-field pertaining to a person's house, providing the basic sustenance of the family
house-land, cultivated land that goes with the dwelling complex of a household
inic cecni callali tlacomolco = 1st, house-land at Tlacomolco (Coyoacan, mid-sixteenth c.)
isquich yn nocanlal = all my house-land (Coyoacan, 1575)
callalli = core land around the home, compared to more scattered parcels
house land (the tl- of tlalli is assimilated to the -ll- of calli in forming this compound word made from calli, house, and tlalli, land)
houselot or land that is next to the house
yn callali quimocotonizque = they are to divide the calalli (tezontl, Tetzcoco, 1689)
(Xocotitlan, Tlalmanalco, 1722)
omacoc yn icalal nochhue = The houseplot of [francisco] nochhue was assigned (Tepetlaoztoc, sixteenth century)
yn callalli Quauhtepec at onpoualmatl auh ynic cuentemi at onpoualmatl onmacuilli amo uey = las tierras con casas de Quauhtepec tiene cuarenta brazas y pero cultivadas son cuarenta y cinco brazas, no es muy grande (Tlaxcala, 1567)
caxtoli ome ycalali ca moch meyotoc = sitios de casas, que se comprende quince [sic] pedazos que hoy están sembrados de magueyes (Zempoala, "1610", but probably Techialoyan -related)
Auh yn ipan nicah callalli ça no ytech pohui yn tlahtocayotl yn ixquich yc manih auh yehuatl nicpialtitiuh yn nochpoch Magdalena = Y esta casa en que estoy, que le pertenece a la comunidad, con todo lo que tiene, y la dejo aguarda[da] a mi hija Magdalena (Tulancingo, 1572)