
Principal English Translation: 

place where there is an abundance of something (see Karttunen), a necessarily bound form

Frances Karttunen: 

-CAMAC necessarily bound from place where there is an abundance of something -- This is attested only for T, where it is compounded with CUAHU(I)-TL “tree” OHUA-TL “cane,” XĀL-LI “sand” and other such nouns . It seems to be synonymous with –TLAH which also occurs in T, so that there are doublets – TECAMAC, TETLAH pedregal (field of volcanic stones); CUAUHZĀHUACAMAC, CUAUHZAHUATLAH place where many casaguate trees grow. In one pair of variants T gives –CAMAC with an absolutive suffix, TLAHZOLCAMAC, TLAHZOLCAMAC-TLI dump, trash heap. See CAM(A)-TL, -C(O).
Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 22.