the tutelary god of the Teochichimecs; equated often with Mixcoatl, the Mexica god of hunting; came to be seen as the Tlaxcalan hunting god; said to be the deity worshiped by those who settled Chalco, putting his image on Mount Teopoyauhtlan
amo quimatia cah in intheuh, Camaxtli catca Yzlacatiní, tlahueli loca theotl = they did not know that their god Camaxtli was an impostor, a villain god.
oqui piaia yca Y tlahuitol, chicnauh-mamalhuiztlí, tetotocamitl. mintlí, acallí, mochíhícxitlanhuíc = They guarded him with his bow, six litters, hunting arrows, piercing arrows, and a boat, all near his feet.
Camaxtli Mixcoatl (also seen as mixcohuatl) was the fuller name.