carta de venta.

(a loanword from Spanish)

Principal English Translation: 

a bill of sale (a loanword from Spanish)

Orthographic Variants: 
cata de benta, carta de vetan, carta de beta
Attestations from sources in English: 

This model was embraced by Nahua notaries, who produced bills of sale in Nahuatl, naming the seller(s), buyer(s), and identifying each person by their communities. Also included were descriptions of parcels of land, the stated price, and the date (in the Christian calendar).
Rebecca Horn and James Lockhart, "Mundane Documents in Nahuatl," in James Lockhart, Lisa Sousa, and Stephanie Wood, eds., Sources and Methods for the Study of Postconquest Mesoamerican Ethnohistory, Preliminary Version (e-book) (Eugene, Ore.: Wired Humanities Project, 2007, 2010), 6.

"carta de vetan escritura tlalnamaquilistli" and later: "amatlacuilloli" and "escritoran y carta de beta" (Toluca city, 1670)
Stephanie Wood collection, notes from Nahuatl documents in the file "Bills of Sale," citing Archivo General del Estado de México, RPEM 6, exp. 1, ff. 1r.–2v.

"escritura Yhuan Carta de Benta tlalnamaquilistli" of "yn tlaltzintli" = a piece of land; in this case it measured 204 by 64 varas (not small), and it sold for 40 pesos (a hefty sum) perhaps because this was an urban property in the city of Toluca (Toluca, 1692)
Stephanie Wood collection, notes from Nahuatl documents in the file "Bills of Sale," citing Archivo General del Estado de México, RPEM 6, exp. 4, ff. 2r.–3v.

don Gabriel de Santiago of Capultitlan is called a "calcouhqui" in a bill of sale, which itself is described as: "amatlacuiloli motocayotia escritora carta de benta tlalnamiquilistli" (Santa Barbara Xolalpa, Toluca city, 1702)
Stephanie Wood collection, notes from Nahuatl documents in the file "Bills of Sale," citing Archivo General del Estado de México, RPEM 6, exp. 10, f. 8r.

amatl tlaquiloli motocallotia Carta de Benta escriptura tlalnamaquilistli = a letter, a piece of writing called a Bill of Sale, a document of land sale (Toluca, 1756)
Stephanie Wood collection, notes from Nahuatl documents in the file "Bills of Sale," citing Archivo General del Estado de México, RPEM 6, exp. 17, ff. 1r.–3r.

neltilistli anoso cata de benta = a true statement or a bill of sale (Santiago Tianguistengo, Toluca Valley, 1763)
Stephanie Wood collection, notes from Nahuatl documents in the file "Bills of Sale," citing AGN (Mexico) Tierras 2544, exp. 15, f. 1r. (translation proposed by Stephanie Wood).

Attestations from sources in Spanish: 

onictemacac yn carta de venta in neltilizço umochiuh = la carta de venta y recaudos que di (Cuauhtitlán, 1599)
Vidas y bienes olvidados: Testamentos indígenas novohispanos, vol. 2, Testamentos en náhuatl y castellano del siglo XVI, eds., Teresa Rojas Rabiela, Elsa Leticia Rea López, Constantino Medina Lima (Mexico: Consejo Nacional de Ciencias Tecnología, 1999), 336–337.