to end up dirty, to become dirty, to get dirty, soiled (see Molina)
yeçe ca ye catzahuatihuitze in huehue tlatlacolli, in impan quitlacatilia in innanhuan = yet they come dirtied with the ancient sin in which their mothers gave them birth
quitiloa quicatzahua in tix in toyollo = they blacken, they soil, our inner beings (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Teizolo, tecatzauh. Inin tlatolli: itechpa mitoa: in amo qualli nemiliztli, azo tlatoltica: mitoaya: intla aca pilli, anozo tecutli in zan iliuiz tlatoa, in iuhqui chichi. = Something that mars and soils people. This was said about a way of living or speaking that was wrong. It was said if some noble or lord spoke rashly or snapped at people savagely like a dog.
yeçe ca ye catzahuatihuitze in huehue tlatlacolli, in impan quitlacatilia in innanhuan = vienen maculados del antiguo pecado original, en que sus padres y madres los conciben