Principal English Translation:
One Reed; a calendrical name, sometimes used for Quetzalcoatl, Tepeyollohtli, and Tlahuizcalpan Teuctli; in the Treatise, it is a tonalli that can be summoned
(Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
Hernando Ruiz de Alarcón, Treatise on the Heathen Superstitions That Today Live Among the Indians Native to This New Spain, 1629, eds. and transl. J. Richard Andrews and Ross Hassig (Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1984), 220.
Attestations from sources in English:
Also seen as a name of a small landholder in Santa Bárbara Tamasolco, Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala, in 1598.
Attestations from sources in Spanish:
ytepanco Grabiel Ce Acatl yn occecapal Andres = a la linde de Grabriel Seacatl y por otra a Andrés
Vidas y bienes olvidados: Testamentos indígenas novohispanos, vol. 1, Testamentos en castellano del siglo XVI y en náhuatl y castellano de Ocotelulco de los siglos XVI y XVII, eds. Teresa Rojas Rabiela, Elsa Leticia Rea López, y Constantino Medina Lima (Santa Bárbara Tamascolco, 1598), 286-287.