
Principal English Translation: 

a personal name, attested female (see attestations)

Orthographic Variants: 
Attestations from sources in English: 

One Chalchiuhnenetzin was the daughter of Tlacateotzin, ruler of Tlatelolco, and Xiuhtomiyauhtzin; she married Maxtlatzin of Coyoacan. (central Mexico, seventeenth century)
Codex Chimalpahin: Society and Politics in Mexico Tenochtitlan, Tlatelolco, Culhuacan, and Other Nahuatl Altepetl in Central Mexico; The Nahuatl and Spanish Annals and Accounts Collected and Recorded by don Domingo de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Susan Schroeder (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), vol. 2, 112–113.

Another Chalchiuhnenetzin was the wife of Moquihuix, ruler of Tlatelolco. (central Mexico, seventeenth century)
Codex Chimalpahin: Society and Politics in Mexico Tenochtitlan, Tlatelolco, Culhuacan, and Other Nahuatl Altepetl in Central Mexico; The Nahuatl and Spanish Annals and Accounts Collected and Recorded by don Domingo de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Susan Schroeder (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), vol. 1, 154–155.

Attestations from sources in Spanish: 

Chalchiuhnenetzin = esposa de Huehue Tlacacuitlahuatzin; y ellos "aparecen en calidad de señores principales y no de tlatoque" -- están en Tliliuhcan and tienen una afiliación con Tenochtitlan.
María Castañeda de la Paz, "La genealogía de la casa real de Tenochtitlan," en El Códice Mexicanus (2019), 65.