a male or a female dog
quinechicozque yn chichime = he ordered that the dogs be rounded up
Teizolo, tecatzauh. Inin tlatolli: itechpa mitoa: in amo qualli nemiliztli, azo tlatoltica: mitoaya: intla aca pilli, anozo tecutli in zan iliuiz tlatoa, in iuhqui chichi. = Something that mars and soils people. This was said about a way of living or speaking that was wrong. It was said if some noble or lord spoke rashly or snapped at people savagely like a dog.
This is an example of a suffixless noun (no -tl, -tli, or -in ending).
amo iuhquj tichichi, ticquativetziz, ticquetzontivetziz in tlalticpacaiotl = thou art not to devour, to gulp down the carnal life as if thou wert a dog (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Inimequez nahualtin tlanonotzalo quemen mocuepa quemanian de yolcatl, de chichi, de miztli, de cuanaca, o nozo mocuepa in texcaltin. = Cuentan que estos nahuales a veces se vuelven animales--perros, gatos, gallinas--o se vuelven peñascos. (s. XX, Milpa Alta)