a reed or cane fence or enclosure; a wall; a subunit of an altepetl; a chinampa (raised lakebed garden) or agricultural strip
auh yn chinamitl [29v] yc omotamachiuh nauhtetl Cenpohuali yhuan chiCuey baras yhua Centetl Caltontli antle quipien Puerta tonati ycalaquianpa ynic on[mo]tamachiuh nahui bara yhuan tlacon ynic huiyac yey baras yhuan tl[a]Con ynic patlahuac = and the four chinampas [f. 29v] were measured at 28 varas, and a little house that has no door, toward the west, was measured at 4 1/2 varas in length and 3 1/2 varas in width. (1655, Mexico City)
"In much of Mesoamerica, and especially in the southern part, the term 'chinamitl' was a rough equivalent of 'calpulli' and 'tlaxilacalli." Chimalpahin seldom uses the term. Most instances seem to refer to actual chinampas." (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
chinamitl = 1) fence, wall (from Molina); 2) enclosure (see Molina, "cerca assi"); 3) a room or area for dancing and singing (Bierhorst)
chinamitl = small calpulli, or settlement/house cluster, ranging in size from 32 households to only one (citing Carrasco's study of the Morelos census documents, an ethnohistorical record); in the archaeological record studied by Smith, however, mean sizes of 14 households (for Molotla) and 17 (for Tepetenchicalcan) were found for what he believes to be chinamitl.
chinamitl = "are always divisions of a larger calpolli;" "spatially clustered territorial units;" mean sizes are 12 and 17 households
nochinamil yeztepel = my chinamitl (barrio or small outlying settlement) of Iztepec; chinamitl = "literally 'fence' but often the rough equivalent of calpolli in the southern Nahua-speaking region;" Iztepec was also a chinamitl of Yanhuitlan and its subunits were called siña
oncan yc ye mochinantia oncan quitocaque yn tlaolli y huauhtli. yn etl. yn ayotli. yn chilchotl. yn xitomatl = There they made reed fences for themselves; there they planted corn, amaranth, beans, squash, green chilis, and tomatoes. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
nochina yn ōpa temi tecuitlaapa matlactetl çecenpohualhuiyac = there are 10 chinampas of mine in Tecuitlaapan, each one 20 [units of measurement] long (Culhuacan, 1580)
iatentlallo = its land at the edge of the water -- This was sometimes a set of chinampas designated to go along with a house in sixteenth-century Culhuacan testaments.
A chinampa or so-called "floating" garden did not really float but was built up on a lake bed or shore using mud from the bottom of the water; often held and/or sold/given in groups of 7, esp. in Culhuacan. (S. Cline); in southern Mexico and Guatemala, chinamitl = subdivision of a town.
One wonders whether the structures that supported the built-up mud of the chinampas are partly what explains the relationship between these two definitions: agricultural strip and fence enclosure. (SW)
chinamitl = tejido de cañas ó de varas; seto ó cercado de cañas; chinamil
epantli chinamitl = tres hileras de camellones (Xochimilco, 1582)
niconmaquilia chicompantli yn chinamitl Tlillapan ypan manique tequitque = le doy siete camillones en el pago llamado Tlilapa, que los tengo dados a los indios (Xochimilco, 1577)
onicmacac tlalli chinamitl yoan cuezcomatl... chinamitl yoan cuescomatl = le tengo dado de tierras y troje... las dichas tierras, camellones y troje (Xochimilco, 1572)
onpantli chinamitl yn opa temi Tlaçoloztoc cecenpohual cuemitl mamacuilte patlahuac ye Mexicopa itçtitemi = dos camellones que están e son en Tlazaloztoc, de cada veinte brazas en largo y cinco de ancho, que enderezan hacia México (San Juan Teotihuacan, 1563)
Auh yn Tolla napohualli chinamitl cenpohualli petlahuatoc nicmacatiuh ynonamic = En Tulan tengo ochenta camellones, los veinte camellones están labrados, todos los dichos camellones sean para mi mujer. (San Juan Moyotlan, D.F., 1551)
chimamitl = camellón: yuan centetl in chinamitl ynic motamachiua macuilmatl yhuan ce mitl = un camellon que medido tiene cinco brazas y media (Ciudad de México, 1564)
cempouali pesos yuan matlactli pesos yuan 1 pesos yn ipatiuh in cali in tlali in chinamitl ynic otoyolopachiuh = los treynta e un pesos precio de las casas [tierras' e camellones lo qual vendimos de nuestra voluntad (Ciudad de México, s. XVI)
auh onmanca in xacal centetl yhuan chinamitl = tenía sus xacales hechos e que tenya unos camellones (Ciudad de México, s. XVI)
napohualli chinamitl cenpohualli petlahuatoc = tengo ochenta [brazas de] camellones los veynte [brazas de] camellones están labradas (Tenochtitlan, 1551)
auh yn atl yn chinamitl mochiua macuilmatl ynic patlahuac caxtolmatl omome ynic huiyac yn oncan chinanquac home estacas omomaman ce otlica = y lo que está en camellones y agua tiene cinco brazas de ancho y de largo dies y siete brazas e ansí hincamos sobre los camellones dos estacas y otra en la entrada y camino (Ciudad de México, 1570)
Auh yn chinamitl yetetl ynic huehueyac matlatlacmatl = Y los chinamitl que son tres miden de largo diez brazas (Ciudad de Mexico, 1557)
Tlasumaguis señor capitan Don. Andres de Zarate alcalde mayor visitador general nican tu chinamit = Amado y respetable señor Capitán Don Andrés de Zarate Alcalde Mayor visitador General aquí en nuestro pueblo (Quechula, Chiapas; 1674; pueblo zoque)
chinamitl = cerca de cañas; chinampan = en/sobre la cerca de cañas
chinamit = pueblo (Guatemala, 1637, documento en pipil)