a basket
chiquiuhchiuhqui in itequiuh onme tomi = The basket makers' tax is 2 tomines (Coyoacan, mid-sixteenth c.)
This term was loaned to Spanish as chiquihuite.
auh ynic niman ompa ontlacallaquiaya azcaputzalco cencuauhchiquihuitl cueyatl no cencuauhchiquihuitl michin = and the Culhuaque provided the Mexica with a heart for their altar. It was of excrement and whippoorwill feathers, wherefore the Mexica where much saddened
amo titlatetexcoloz, amo titlamatatacaz in molcaxic, in chiqujvic = Thou art not to stir up the pieces, not to dig into the sauce bowl, the basket (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
auh yn eoatl, ocototzauh, ocacalachoac, oquaoac: auh in cequj ça chiqujuhtica qujnapaloa, yn oueltepioac, yn oquelochauh, oquappitzoac = And the skins, crumpled and crackling, were hardened. And some carried them in baskets—dried up frayed, stiffened. (16th century, Mexico City)
tlacatlaqualli ymixpan qujmanaia macujltetl, acaquahcaxtica conmana: auh ipan icatiuh cujiatlaoatzalli, tepioacquj, quappitztic, tlaixtexoujlli. qujtzincuetia: yoan cen chiqujujtl pinolli, yoan eeio izqujtl conmana = As fast food they made, before them, five tortillas; they laid them in a basket. And upon it went a hard-baked frog, hard and stiff, its face stained blue, a woman’s skirt about its hind-quarters. And they set down a large basket of pinolli; and toasted maize [mixed] with beans. (16th century, Mexico City)
Azo huel mani in molcaxitl, in chiquihuitl; azo huel onihua, azo huel oncualo in atolatzintli, in huapahuacatzintli; azo huel onoc in petlatl, in icpalli; azo huel nemaco in xochitl, in iyetl = Quizá permanece bien el molcajete, el canasto; tal vez se bebe bien, quizá se come bien el atolito, las frutillas; quizá yacen bien la estera, la silla; puede ser que sean bien dadas las flores, el tabaco (Este párrafo significa que quizá hay orden, hay paz) (centro de México, s. XVI)
yhuan ome chiquiuhtotonti yhuan ome jaro chichiltic yhuan ey tepitoton yhuan ce chapa tepiton ce acahuipili = y también dos chiquihuitillos chicos, y también dos jarros colorados y también tres chicos y una chapa chica, un chiquihuite de caña (Xochimilco, 1650)