to weep, cry; for animals to make various sounds (e.g. to roar, to bray, or for birds to sing) (see Molina and Lockhart); and for comments on this as an approved behavior, see attestations
nahualpoliuhq. nauhcampa huicalloque ỹ mexica. mochoquilitiaque. = the Mexica were treacherously defeated and were taken off in all four directions; they went weeping. "This expression might refer instead to all four parts of the entity." (1608, Central Mexico)
choquiztli cenmantícatca, cicihua. Yhuan, Pipiltzin, ca huel huey tlaocoli yno motaya = Cho:quiztli cenmanti catca cicihua: i:hua:n pipiltzitzin, ca huel hue:i tlao:co:lli in o:motaya =The crying of the women and children was great, so there was very great mourning.
choca, cenca choca, quil mixpaca, ic quichipaoa in imixtelolo = weeping, greatly weeping. It is said that in that way they wash their eyes, they cleanse their eyeballs. (Tlatelolco, 1540–80)
miecpa cioatl cacoia chocatiuh, tzatzitiuh = many times a woman would be heard going along weeping and shouting
auh ça no ca yn amo tenãquilia çã choca = but also there is one who does not answer; he only weeps (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
New life was a cause for rejoicing, which included weeping: a ca qujchocazquja = for they would have wept over it (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Sighing and weeping could be examples of good behavior in the view of the gods and could therefore earn one favors, such as a pregnancy: cujx otonelciciuh, cuij otonchocac = perhaps thou hast sighed? Perhaps thou has wept? (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
This verb was a substitute for tzilini (for bells to ring) in Nahuatl testaments from Totocuitlapilco, valley of Toluca.
…niman ya mochoquilia yn icxicouatl yn quetzalteueyac…. = Luego ya lloran Icxcouatl y Quetzalteueyac…. (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)
…yeuatl quimati quenin techonpoloz ma teyxco ma teycpac amonentin maca ytla quitoti xictzomocuican xiquihiyoui niman ya yc mochintin mochoquilia yn tolteca = Él sabe cómo nos destruirá! Ninguno vaya a hacer algo indebido! Nadie vaya a decir algo! Esfuércense! Soportan la pena! Luego ya por esto todos los tolteca lloran. (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)
yn ucaqui yn itlamaçehualiztlaque yn Pedro Hortiz nican chane... yn iquac ocaqui mochi tlacatl quichoquili y nican Tlaxcalan = tomó su vestido de penitencia Pedro Ortiz, habitante de aquí... Cuando lo tomó, toda la gente le lloró, los habitatntes de aquí de Tlaxcala (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
huel mochoquilique ynic mochitin tlatoque yn iquac quicaque yn icartazin. = Todos los tlahtoque lloraron cuando escucharon su carta. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
çenca choca tlaocoyatlacat ascan = Ahora lloran mucho por tristeza.