(a loanword from Spanish)
lay brotherhood, confraternity (see attestations)
ynin cenavatil ynin necentlaliliz, Ticcentlalia ynyn Cofradia = this one command
this accord. We convene this cofrada (Tula, 1570)
yn cofradia yntech pohui yn animasme purgatorio tetlechipahualloyan moyetzticate. = The cofradía dedicated to the Souls of Purgatory, where people are purified by fire, (central Mexico, 1612)
Jn .4tlamantli ynveynahuatil yn qualtin xpiansome Confrariasme = the fourth great obligation of the good Christians who are members of the cofradia (Central Mexico, 1552)
Cofradía records can be found in Nahuatl. The Santísimo Sacramento cofradía in Tula in the late sixteenth century operated fairly independently from the supervision of the clergy. Women played a major role. Records about members, their tlaxilacalli affiliation, and the dues they paid, were kept fairly rigorously.
cofradia otitemacaque limosna conception sulidat [S. Francisco Analcotitlan (Jalisco?), 1652]
yntencopa omomicti maquili nobilyos yaxca nican totlasonantzin cobratia sa martin = at their command five steers belonging to the cofradía of our dear mother here in San Martín were slaughtered (San Martín Hidalgo, Jalisco, 1653)
iserantzin y santa Cofrandi (Centlalpan, Chalco, 1736)
"Church and government officials frequently criticized native religious confraterinities for squandering their funds" on festive eating and drinking, an "important part of colonial Nahua ritual and social life." But Nahuas would have seen a virtue in redistributing wealth.
yxquich cahuitl onicnotlatequipanilhuilli yno santa confradia = mucho tiempo la he servido a la Santa Cofradía (Toluca, 1621)
ninopohua yn santa cofradia = soy cofrade de la Santa Cofradía (Cuauhtitlán, 1599)
yn ompa Tulla nictlaocolia cofradia matlactli pesos = dejo diez pesos de limosna a la cofradía de la parroquia de Tulla (Tetepango, Hidalgo, 1586)
occepa mochiuh quiyon confradias = otra vez las cofradías hicieron cirios (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)