a child, boy or girl (see Molina), offspring of a woman
in tepiltzin tlaçopilli, calitic cunetl chanecaconetl teuiotica tepiltzin
Ichtacaconetl, calpan pilli, calpan conetl, mecaconetl mecapilli = One's child; [that is,] the legitimate child, the child born within the household, the child born within the habitation, the spiritually acceptable child.
The secret child, the bastard; the bastard, the child of a slave, the slave's child. (central Mexico, sixteenth century).
Ichtacaconetl, calpan pilli, cakpan conetl, mecaconetl mecapilli = The secret child, the bastard; the bastard, the child of a slave, the slave's child. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yn piltzintli y conetzintli. yn tocozqui yn toquetzal = the child, the babe, our necklace, our precious quetzal feather (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
ca nel ayac çe toconetzin monemiltia = since no child of ours is alive (Xochimilco, 1586)
ça mochi itech çeyez y nonamic yhuā yn yehuatl teoyotica noconetzin y nicnonapalhui un itoca casbar = all of it together will belong to my spouse and my godchild that I adopted [embraced] named Gaspar (Culhuacan, 1580)
NicmaCatiuh yn noConeuh ontetl metlatl Ce huey Ce tepito Conanas ytoCa ana de Santiago = I am giving my child named Ana de Santiago two metates [grinding stones], a big one and a small one; she is to take them (1673, Mexico City)
-teoticaconeuh = child through holy things, godchild (Santa Clara Cozcatlan, Toluca Valley, 1731)
conetzin (reverential or diminutive)
cocone (the reduplicative plural form)
conetõtli. quin otlacat. ayamo vel chichi = Small child [woman’s]: Right after it is born, it cannot suckle (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
conetzintli ayamo tlachia. amo temauhcaytta = Child [woman’s]: It needs guidance, it does not regard people with respect (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
cue noconetzin notelpotzin noyolilitzin nonemilitzin nocozq’ noquetzal = ah my child, my son, my life, my existence, my jewel, my quetzal plume (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
See the short video from the IDIEZ group, in Eastern Huastecan Nahuatl and published to YouTube, about conetl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDJM1qqNetk.
moconechi = moconetzin = tu hijito = your little boy (Fernando Horcasitas found this form was used in the language of dances that were recorded in various pueblos by ethnographers.) (twentieth century)
moconechi (contemporary) = moconteztin (original) = your child (contemporary Morelos and Guerrero)
caxtilteca cocone quihuicaque Satachrios yn izquican y yn izcuela mochi quizqui = los niños castellanos que llevaron la Santa Cruz, de sus escuelas de todas partes todos salieron (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
oquitlatlani quilhui aqui no mitzchivili yn moconeuh = le pregunto, le dijo, ¿quien es el que te hizo el niño? ....
quitaque nupiltzin yvan telpochtli yc oquichiuhque yn coneuh = ¿vieron que tu hija y telpochtli hicieron la criatura? (Tlaxcala, 1565)
cu:net = conetl