(a loanword from Spanish)
the royal accounting office
(a loanword from Spanish)
çan quechcotonalloque cenpohuallonchiuhiuhcnahui yn omoteneuhque mimicque auh yn intzonteco oncan tepilolcuauhticpac quinçaçalloque, auh yn intlacnacayo oncan quincallaquique yn contadoria tlatzĩtla = 29 of the said dead were only decapitated and their heads stuck on top of the gallows. They put their torsos in the royal accounting office, down below, (central Mexico, 1612)
yhua mexiCo Contandoria oquimotepotztoquillique tlatoque ynpanpa tlaCallaquilli ReçaCo oyaquetlatlazque, 3 pos = Y los tlatoque investigaron el rezago de tributos ante la contaduría de México, [costó] tres pesos. (San Andrés Chiautla, 1638)