good, a good thing, fine, well, handsome, pretty, beautiful, well (see Lockhart, Carochi, and Molina)
q(ua)ltin yecti(n) = the good ones, the pure ones (linked expression -- cualli = something good; yectli = something good, pure, clean) (Sahagún, sixteenth century)
yn ixquich, yn qualli yectli, yn tecuiltonolli in tetlamachti = all that is good, delights, and enriches
ynic amo nelli. qualli limosna yn quichihua yn (8) quipia = so that the alms they make and have are false and bad
ompa hualtemoz yn iqualtica yn iyectica yn ichipahuanca yn itocã sp sancto = there will descend his goodness, his propriety, his purity, which is called ‘Holy Spirit’ (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
amocualli, amo qualli = bad, a bad thing
cualtitica = is good
ca cualli = very well then
ye cualli = fine, okay
Zan ihuiyan, zan icemel ximonemiti, ca ye qualli, ca ye yectli = Sólo con tranquilidad, sólo con tiento vive porque ello es bueno, porque ello es recto
qualli = bueno
Cuix ticahuaz in amoquali? cuix timonemilizcuepaz = [H]as de dexar lo malo, [h]as de mudar de vida.