
Principal English Translation: 

a medicinal plant, called the "fire plant," apparently a rhododendron (Valley of Mexico, 1570–1587)
The Mexican Treasury: The Writings of Dr. Francisco Hernández, ed. Simon Varey, transl. Rafael Chabrán, Cynthia L. Chamberlin, and Simon Varey (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000), 123.

Orthographic Variants: 
quauhtepahtli, quauhtepatli, cuauhtepahtli
Attestations from sources in English: 

"it very easily evacuates the phlegmatic humors of those suffering from cachexia, the French disease of dropsy...also a very efficacious remedy for skin ailments, such as impetigo, leprosy, scabies, alopecia, and rashes. Dr. Francisco Hernández was on the point of losing his life because he had rashly tasted its sap." (Central Mexico, 1571–1615)
The Mexican Treasury: The Writings of Dr. Francisco Hernández, ed. Simon Varey, transl. Rafael Chabrán, Cynthia L. Chamberlin, and Simon Varey (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000), 123.