to turn; to return; to bring back; to translate (see Molina, Karttunen, and Lockhart); can also relate to becoming upset, e.g. -cuepa- = passive applicative form (see the attestation, amo quemania motecuepozque, people are not to get upset)
auh ohualmocuepque tlanahuatico, ca mochí yntlallí, âmo aca quipîaí, ycel- toc- ca oquitztiaque yn tetepanzoltin + calchihuali catca = Auh o:hua:lmocuepqueh tlana:huatico cah mochi in tla:lli ahmo: acah quipiyaya, i:ce:l toca o:- quitztiahqueh in tetepanzoltzin cal chi:hualli catca. = And they returned with the news that within all of the land there was nothing but fallen buildings and crumbled walls of houses. (ca. 1600, Tlaxcala)
omecuep Xípe = O:mocuep Xipe = He was transformed into Xipe
inic amo oc ceppa anquicuepazque amotlatol xicchiuacan juramento = so that you will not go back on your word again, take the oath (Atenantitlan, 1554)
Auh in quauhtematlatl mocuecuepa avic iaiauh = And the catapult kept returning back and forth, going one way and then the other
yhuan tlahuipochin mocuepa ca cenca huey tlahuelliloc = And she became a sorceress; she was exceedingly perverse. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
hualmocuepa = to come back (hual = a directional, in this direction, toward the speaker)
niman monemilizcuep = then he turned around his life (early seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
itotoliniao tle titocuepazque = we are poor (afflicted). What is to become of us (what are we to turn into)? (suggesting a possible alternate translation of a passage from the Cantares Mexicanos, Bierhorst, 346–47, verse 17)
çan oc ocan hualnecuepaluto = También de allá se regresó la gente (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
ça ualmocuepaz = se ha de volver
fray Luis ya huel nahuatlatohua tlaquauh miyec quicuep totlatolpan Huexotzinco nemia doctrina quicuep = fray Luis quien hablaba bien el náhuatl. Tradujo muchísimas cosas a nuestro idioma. Viviendo en Huexotzinco tradujo la doctrina. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
cuepa = ay mudança
Yn omoquatequique yn oq'[ui]neltocaque yn d[ios] mocuepazque. Yn huacaxnacatl quiqua ça[n] no yehutl mocuepaz. Yn pitzonacatl quiqua ça[n] no yehutl mocuepaz. Yn ychcana[ca]tl quiqua ça[n] no yehutl mocuepaz yhua[n] yn ichcaayatl quiquemi, Yn quanaca q'[ui]qua ça[n] no yehuatl mocuepaz yn ixquich tlein in tlaq[ua]l y ye nica[n] nemi yn q'[ui]nqualia ca moch mocuepazque popolihuizque aocaque yezque = Los que se bautizaron y creyeron en Dios se transformarán. Los que comen carne de vaca, se convertirán en eso. Los que comen carne de puerco, se convertirán en eso. Los que comen carne de borrego se convertirán. Todo lo que es comida de los que aquí viven y la comen, todos se transformarán, serán destruidos, ya nadie existirá (ca. 1582, México)