
Principal English Translation: 

someone or something related to the Huasteca region (see attestations); and see our entry for cuextecatl

Attestations from sources in English: 

à la forme possédée, "ohôme mantihuîtze in îcuexhuân" (Sahagún, 1927, 176), es befinden sich (bei ihr) je zwei ihrer Huaxteken = There are (with her) two of her Huaxtecs.
Gran Diccionario Náhuatl, citing A. Wimmer 2004, "Huaxtèque,"

Attestations from sources in Spanish: 

Y luego se iba con su hijo para el cu donde solía estar, el cual llamaban Cintéutl o Itztlacoliuhqui. Iban delante dellos aquellos sus devotos que se llaman icuexhuan. Iban algo delante, aderezados con sus papeles, ceñido un maxtle de papel torcido, y sobre las espaldas un papel fruncido y redondo como rodela. = Then she would head with her son—the one whom they called Cinteotl or Itztlacoliuhqui—to the cu where he resided. Those devotees of theirs called icuexhuan would walk ahead of them. . .adorned with their papers, girded with a maxtle made of twisted paper, and wearing on their backs a shirred paper that was round like a shield.
[The editors note that the Spanish for this section makes an error where it continues describing the dress of the devotees, but attributes them to the woman: Llevaba a cuesta unos plumajes compuestos con algodón. En este plumaje llevaba colgadas unas hilachas de algodón no torcido.]
Digital Florentine Codex,

See the example of the cuextecatl regalia from the Codex Mendoza in our Visual Lexicon of Aztec Hieroglyphs,

cuextecatl = Huasteco

See also: