ma ticcohuacan yn tetl. yn quahuitl. ma yehuatl yca. yn atlan chaneque yn atlan onoque y michin yn axollotl yhuan in cueyatl. yn acocillin. yn anenez yn acohuatl. yn axaxayacatl. yn izcahuitli. yhuan yn canauahtli yn quachilli = yn yacaçintli. yn ixquich yn totome yn atlan chaneque = Let us buy stone and wood by means of water life, the fish, salamanders, frogs, crayfish, dragonfly larvae, water snakes, waterfly eggs, and red shellfish that live in the water; and the ducks, American coots, all the birds that live in the water. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
cueyatololiztli = the swallowing of frogs (a ceremony or ritual)
(central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ioã in cueyame çá incamatica yn quimonanaya, amo ynmatica: çá quimontlãquechiaya = They seized the frogs with their mouths, not their hands; they just chewed them up.
auh ynic niman ompa ontlacallaquiaya azcaputzalco cencuauhchiquihuitl cueyatl no cencuauhchiquihuitl michin = and the Culhuaque provided the Mexica with a heart for their altar. It was of excrement and whippoorwill feathers, wherefore the Mexica were much saddened.
michin cueyatl = fish; frogs (central Mexico, sixteenth century)