Principal English Translation:
Attestations from sources in English:
eloxochitl = Magnolia, a name said to have been given exclusively to boys, but it also appears as "eloxvch" in the list of names given to girls (Central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros Memoriales, ed. Thelma D. Sullivan, et al. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 254, 255.
eloxochyo tilmahtli = the cape with the magnolia flower design
Justyna Olko, Turquoise Diadems and Staffs of Office: Elite Costume and Insignia of Power in Aztec and Early Colonial Mexico (Warsaw: Polish Society for Latin American Studies and Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition, University of Warsaw, 2005), 191.
Attestations from sources in Spanish:
hernando Eloxuchitl = Hernando Eloxochitl (Tlaixpan, 1575)
Benjamin Daniel Johnson, “Transcripción de los documentos Nahuas de Tezcoco en los Papeles de la Embajada Americana resguardados en el Archivo Histórico de la Biblioteca Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México”, en Documentos nahuas de Tezcoco, Vol. 1, ed. Javier Eduardo Ramírez López (Texcoco: Diócesis de Texcoco, 2018), 68–69.