(a loanword from Spanish)
the gospel, the word of God; a deacon could preach the evangelio
(a loanword from Spanish)
yhuan otechmomaquili in teotlatolli. in sancto Euangelio. = and gave us the word of God, the Holy Gospel (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
ynic ompa mohuica moteochiuhtzinoz ynic teopixqui clerigo mochiuhtzinohua, yhuan yca vmpa yc moteochiuhtzinoz yn EPISTOLA yhuan Euangelio yhuan missa yc quimochihuiliz. = the reason he is going there is to be ordained, for he is becoming a secular priest, and is to be ordained as subdeacon, deacon, and priest who can say mass. (central Mexico, 1613)
inic techmachtico yn evangelio = so that they came to teach us the gospel (Huejotzingo, 1560)
ca eua(n)gelio ca teotlatolli = the Gospel, the word of God (Sahagún, sixteenth century, Mexico City)
ometi quitlalique almaticas misachiuhqui yn quipuh y ebagelio Miguel de Pereya lecsio Agostin de lus Santos = los dos que hicieron la misa se pusieron dalmáticas. El evangelio lo leyó Miguel de Pereira y la lección Agustín de los Santos. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)