(a loanword from Spanish)
signature; often a rubric
(a loanword from Spanish)
amo nictlalli nofirma ypampa amo nicmati nitlacuiloz onictlalli ome cruz nomachiouh = I did not put down my signature because I do not know how to write; I put down my rubric [sign], two crosses (Coyoacan 1575)
yuh quineltilihque yhuan mofirmatique yhuan caueceras mofirmatique = so confirmed it and signed; the cabecera rulers also signed
yuhqui quimitavili yn magco sro corror ypan mofirmatique = Thus the magnificent sir corregidor spoke to them (Tlaxcala, 1547)
tictlalia tomachio totoca tofirma = we place our rubrics, our names, our signatures (Coyoacan, 1557)
çan tlapic oquitlatlalli pirma = falsely placed the signatures (San Pedro Huehuetlan, Soconusco, 1565)
ypan quitlalique infirmas yntoca = they placed their signatures, their names; ipan nictlalli nofirma notoca = I put my signature, my name (Tlaxcala, 1566)
nican nictlalia nomachiouh notocan nopilman = I put here my rubric, name, and signature (Coyoacan, 1568)
mofirmatique motocayotique = signed and wrote their names (Tlaxcala, 1566)
yn infirmas yntocatçintica (Xochimilco, 1572)
nican tictlallia totoca tofirma = we put here our names and signatures; nican nictlallia notoca nofirma= I put here my name and signature (Coyoacan, 1573)
tictlalia tomachiyo tofirmas = we put here our rubrics and signatures(Coyoacan, 1575)
nican nictlalia nofirma cruz = I...put here my signature of a cross(Coyoacan, 1575)
Y nica quitlalia yfilma in itoca = Here [three men] place their signatures and names (Nombre de Dios, Durango, late-16th century, 1585?)
oquimofirmayotilli (Coyoacan, 1613)
nictlalia nofirma = I put my signature (San Bartolomé Atenco, Coyoacan, 1575)
Nican tictoLaLiLia tomachioL tofrma = we place here our rubrics and signatures; titofrmatia = we sign [S. Francisco Tzacualco (in west?), 1629]
nican mofirmatiya = they sign here; nican mofirmatiya = here they sign [S. Francisco Analcotitlan (Jalisco?), 1652]
nican timofirmatia = we sign here (San Martín Hidalgo, Jalisco, 1653)
nican tictlalia totoca tofirma we place here our names and signatures (S. Simón Pochtlan, Azcapotzalco, 1695)
nican quiMotlalilia Yn infirmatzin = here...affixed their signatures; Ynin Amatl Yca firmaz = this signed document (Azcapotzalco, 1703)
nicneltilia yca y notoCa y nofirma (Centlalpan, Chalco, 1736)
nican quimotlalilia intocatzin yhuan infirmatzin yCa testigos = here they put their names and signatures, with witnesses (Azcapotzalco, 1738)
nican tictlalia totoCa yhuan tofirma yCa testigos = we put here our names and signatures [with[ witnesses (Azcapotzalco, 1738)
amo quimati amatli ynic amo pilmati = no sabe escribir ni firmar (Tizatlan, Tlaxcala, 1599)
mofilmati motocayoti yn señor teniente = El señor teniete aquí puso su firma y su nombre. (Santa Bárbara Tamasolco, 1593)
yhuan yn tehuantin hoccepa tictlalia totoca tofilma yc titlaneltilia = y nosotros otra vez pusimos nuestro nombre y nuestra firma para dar veracidad (Santa Ana Acolco, 1629)
oquimotlalilique yntocatzin yhuan yn infirmatzin = firmaron de sus nombres y firmas (Ciudad de México, 1582)