a personal name, a combination of a Spanish surname and a calendrical Nahua name (Omacatl, Two Reed) in the reverential (i.e. with the -tzin)
Don Francisco de Guzmán Omacatzin was a son of Macuilmalinaltzin (who died in battle in Huexotzinco) and a nephew of Moteuczoma Xocoyotzin; don Francisco became ruler of Ollac Xochimilco while still a child; he was ruling when the Spaniards invaded; with his first wife, a Xochimilca noblewoman, a resident of Calmecatitlan, he had two children, doña Leonor de Guzmán and don Diego Macuilmalinal; eventually he had two more children (with a different wife, doña María, daughter of Acachollahuatzin, a nobleman of Tenochtitlan and son of Huehue Mauhcaxochitzin), don Francisco Axayacatzin (also written Axayaca) and doña Francisca de Guzmán, all according to Chimalpahin. It is intriguing that he was born prior to contact, but he took more than a baptismal given name; he took the surname Guzmán, too. This represents a typical genealogy linking pre-contact and Spanish colonial times for Nahuas. (central Mexico, seventeenth century)