son of Huitzilihuitl, ruler of Tenochtitlan; Huehue Zaca was tlacateccatl, a senior official, in the time of the first Moteuczoma (who was his elder brother); he fathered two sons, Tzontemoc and Huitzillatzin; Moteuczoma Ilhuicamina (his elder brother) killed him over a dispute involving a lake dyke and tribute labor and because of his singing and drum beating; all according to Chimalpahin
(central Mexico, seventeenth century)
auh no yquac cuicuicaya. tlatlatzonaya. yn omotocateneuh huehue çaca yn ichan auh ynacaztitlan acic quicac yn moteuhcçomatzin ylhuicamina. quihto. tetlatlani. aquin cuica. auh nimā quilhuique ca yehuatl yn motechiuhcauh huehue çaca. = But also at that time the aforenamed Huehue Çaca continuously sang and beat drums in his home, and [the sound] reached Moteucçomatzin Ilhuicamina's ears; he heard it. He asked people: Who sings? And they said to him: It is your senior official, Huehue Çaca. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)