to be standing (see Molina, Karttunen, and Lockhart)
icac (verb) = to stand upright
yntlal. yn ipan icac teopantli. yntlaquetzal yn huehuetque. yn incolhuan yntahuã catca = the church stands on their land, built by those of old, who were their fathers and grandfathers (early seventeenth century, central New Spain)
ycaz = will stand (future)
icaya = stood (imperfect)
icaticate sanno ompa tlacpac = also stand up above
nicac = yo estoy en pie;
icaque = ellos están en pie;
nicaya = yo estaua en pie;
onicaca = yo estaua, estuue, y hauia estado en pie;
nicaz = yo estare en pie;
ycoa, icoa = (impersonal, presente);
ycoac, icoac = (impersonal, pretérito) (Tetzcoco, 1595)