the human foot, feet (see Molina and Karttunen); can also refer to an animal or insect foot (see our Visual Lexicon of Aztec Hieroglyphs,
in maitl in icxitl = mano, pie = una metáfora para decir 'ser humano' (s. XVI)
Intla aca omocxicuetlanj: in anoço omomacuetlanj, acachto mopachoa, moteteoanjlia in iicxi, in anoço ima = If someone has dislocated his leg or his arm, first his leg or his arm is pressed; [then] it is stretched (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tocxi or ticxi = (our) feet
One could mention "ymahuan," "his hands" and "ycxihuan" "his feet," for in traditional Nahuatl the body parts were treated as inanimates. These examples could equally well represent a tendency of eastern Nahuatl or the influence of Spanish plurals, manos and pies.
tictenamiquico momatzin yhuan mocxitzin = we have come to kiss your hands and feet (Guadalajara, 1653)
ca much vncā [fol.31] icuiliuhtoc in tzontecomatl, nacaztli, iollotli, cuitlaxculli eltapachtli, tochichi, macpalli, xocpalli = for there were painted all severed heads, ears, hearts, entrails, livers, lungs, hands and feet (Mexico City, sixteenth century)
birey san ycxipan yn isihuauh yca silla de manos...auh yn omocuep yca carroz = the viceroy was just on foot; his wife was in a sedan chair...They returned in carriages.
ycxitlantzinco nitoctoz ynotlaçotatzin San Juan Baustista = que sea enterrado a los pies del glorioso San Juan Bauptizta (Tlatelolco, 1609)
notucas icxitlactzico in ihp[o]tli Concepcion = he de ser sepultada a los pies de la Virgen de la Limpia Concepción (Coyoacan, 1540)
yvan mochintin motoliniani cocoxque yspapatzac ycxipoztectoc mochi qouicuilo = y todos los afligidos, enfermos, tuertos y cojos, todos fueron inscritos
ticnamjquique yma ycxi tutlatucauh Rey ompa Caxtilla ma techmotlaocolili ma techycnoyta yca ycorona timotolinjanjme may mochiua Amen Jesus = Besamos las manos y los pies de nuestro Rey que está en Castilla, que nos cuide con su poder real, que tenga compasión de nosotros, afligidos. Que [así] se haga. Amén. Jesús.
icxitl = pie; mocxi (por mo-icxi) = tu pie