to take counsel with oneself, to make a complaint; to say something to someone; to reveal something to someone (see Karttunen); to tell someone something (Lockhart); to share a secret, to complain before the law; to consult with oneself or with another (see Molina)
molhuya = called
amo aqui quilhuitinemis quemania = no one is ever to go about saying anything to her (San Pablo Tepemaxalco, Toluca Valley, 1710)
This is the applicative form of itoa, to speak.
molhuia, mo + iluia = reverential form of itoa.
xiquilhui = dezilde [sic -- i.e. decidle, decirle]
quimolhuilli cuis monouanyolqui yn Martin Olin = Fuele preguntado si hera pariente de Martin Olin (Tlatelolco, 1557)
ylhuiloc yn testico = le fue dicho al testigo (Ciudad de México, 1558)