to be prudent; to be on one's guard, alert; to be clever, wise, of good understanding
mimatcatlaloa = to they run prudently (combines imati and tlaloa with the connector "ca," which refers to the manner in which the second verb is done)
In oquittacc i cenca mimati = He sought one who was of good understanding.
imati = to be skillful or wise; to prepare or arrange something skillfully
quinhuicatiyez in ipilhuan yehicah ayamo mimati quimititiz yntlan nemiliztli = asista y esté con sus hijos, que no están aún bien do[c]trinados, porque los administre y enseñe a bien vivir (Ocotelulco, Tlaxcala, 1562)
imatini = discreto, prudente, hábil
"Mientras que imati se relaciona con un conocimiento empírico dado po la experiencia a través del ojo, mati hace referencia a un saber interno, abstracto, dado por la capacidad de pensar."