face, eye; also, on the surface of, facing (see Molina, Karttunen, etc.)
oquicuallique yn ixayac atlan chaneque = the fish had chewed at his face (central Mexico, 1612)
teyxamiliztli = washing the faces (Central Mexico, 1552)
çan iconecuitl ynic onmoxaxauh yn quimixteyayahualti = [H]e painted himself only with his child's excrement as he painted circles about his eyes. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
ystiCa ycalaquiyapa tonaltzintlin = facing west (San Pedro Tototepec, Toluca Valley, 1728)
mixquauhcalichiuhticac = a cage-like design is painted on his face
mixtlilmacaticac = his face is painted black
ixtli = eye, face (because īxtli related to the eyes and looking, it can extend to the face and facial expression)
tix = our face; tixco = in our face, in our eye; nixtlapoui (nixtlapohui) = I open my eye; anoço nixtomi = or I uncover my eye (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ixicnoio = kind face;
ixiicnotzin = beloved face;
ixcococ = sad-faced;
mixtleiotia = face is inflamed with anger;
ixmauiziooa = face has honor;
ixpalani = face festers;
ixtliliui = face blackens;
ixtlatla = face burns;
ixipeui = face is skinned;
ixitlacaui = face is damaged;
quixuitequi = he strikes the face;
quixchicha = he spits on the face;
quixtepinia = he hits the face with his fist;
quixcomaca = he tells him his faults to his face;
quixtlatzinia = he slaps the face;
quixtilicҫa = he kicks the face;
ixtlauetzi = it falls in his eye;
ixco calaqui, in teuhtli = dust enters his eye;
ixco ca iztac = it is white in his eye;
q. n. nixtomi = that is to say, I uncover my eye;
nixtlamati = I am wise (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
in ixtli in yollotl = ojo/cara, corazón = una metáfora para decir 'ser humano' (s. XVI)