(a loanword from Spanish)
a municipal governor, the same as gobernador (a loanword from Spanish)
also, a term seen for an investigating indigenous judge (also called a juez de residencia); this could be a rotating post given to various elite men who traveled in the central areas to adjudicate disputes in the sixteenth century
in tlacatl Don Juan bapᵗª Juez gouernador. mochiuh yn tenochtitlan. malinalco. ychan yn axcan moyetztica. tlahtocati. = don Juan Bautista entered Mexico here, appointed judge-governor in Tenochtitlan; he is from Malinalco, and he is ruling at present. (1608, Central Mexico)
auh yn theniente catca Don Jeronimo Lupez mestiço. quipallehui yn huehue Don Antonio Valeriano gouernador. tenochtitlan. = the lord don Juan Martín, mestizo, was appointed deputy and aided don Antonio Valeriano the elder, governor of Tenochtitlan. (1608, Central Mexico)
yn ipan 3. calli xihuitl. 1573. años. yn ohualla mexico. tenochtitlan yn tlacatl huehue Don Antonio. valleriano. tlamatini momachtiani Juez gouernador. = in the year 3 House, 1573, that the lord don Antonio Valeriano the elder, sage and scholar, came to Mexico Tenochtitlan appointed judge-governor in Tenochtitlan (1608, Central Mexico)
auh ҫan o moch mocentlallique. nican yn oquauhtlahtoque. yhuan yn tlahtoque. yhuan in Juezgouernadoresme. omochiuhque nicã tenochtitlan mexico = Here all those who were interim rulers, rulers, and were appointed as judge-governors here in Tenochtitlan Mexico have been brought together (central Mexico, 1608–1609?)
azcapotzalco. quimacato. possion. Juan grande nahuatlahto. yn Don Antonio valeriano telpochtli, vmpa quicahuato. ynic Juez gouernador vmpa mochihuato, compatlato. Don Balthasar min. vmpa Juez gouernador catca. nican S. Pablo ҫoquipan ychan auh ynin omoteneuh Don Antonio valeriano telpochtli fiscal catca. ỹ nican S. Joseph. S. Franco. yn onca yehuac yc mohuicac azcapotzalco, ynin telpochtli, yxhuiuhtzin. yn tlacatl huehue Don Antonio valeriano ychantzinco azcapotzalco. in miyec xihuitl. nican omoJuezgouernadortilico, Mexico tenochtitlan, ypãpa yn inamictzin cihuapilli Doña isabel de aluarado, yn ichpochtzin catca tlacatl Don diego de aluarado. huanitzin tlahtohuani catca tenochtitlan = Juan Grande, interpreter, took don Antonio Valeriano the younger to Azcapotzalco to give him possession of office, he having been appointed judge-governor there. He replaced don Baltasar Martín, who was judge-governor there and is from San Pablo Ҫoquipan here. This said don Antonio Valeriano the younger was fiscal here at San Josef at San Francisco, and he left there when he went to Azcapotzalco. This young man is the grandchild of the lord don Antonio Valeriano the elder, from Azcapotzalco, who served as judge-governor for many years here in Mexico Tenochtitlan, because his spouse was the lady doña Isabel de Alvarado, who was the daughter of the lord don Diego de Alvarado Huanitzin, who was a ruler of Tenochtitlan (central Mexico, 1611)
Jues gobernador don Nicolas Mendes de Luna meztiço ypan cabiçera Quihuiztlan = Juez gobernador don Nicolás Méndez de Luna, mestizo de la cabecera de Quiahuiztlan (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
ixpantzinco hohuallaque in señor guvernador juez = vinieron ante el señor juez gobernador (Culhuacan, 1580)
yehuantzitzin señores tlatoque don Joan Marcos governador juez yhuan alcaldes = los señores tlatoani, don Juan Marcos, juez gobernador y los alcaldes (Culhuacan, 1580)