to give to someone, to issue, to restore (see Lockhart, Carochi, and Molina, and with attestations)
Motēmaca in xōchitl = Flowers are given (to people)... Tictomacâ in xōchitl = We give each other the flowers; Nemaco in xōchitl = There's a mutual exchange of flowers
xicmacacan yn amochpoch yn ompanteuhctli yc niman quimacaque ce yn imichpoch mexica, auh niman ye mopilhuatia oncan ye tlacati ynic ce cihuatzintli ytoca chimallaxotzin = Give Ompanteuhctli one of your daughters. Then the Mexica gave him one of their daughters. And then she conceived there, and there were born first a girl named Chimallaxochtzin.
In religious contexts, this verb often means to serve people at the table, to dispense communion.
Often, when this verb is used with an object, that object is going to be a person.
auh ome tomin quimomaquilizqueh = y les darán dos reales
nechmomaquiliteuac = me dejó (Santa Barbara Tamasolco, 1592)
quimopilis ynopiltzin Juan nicnomaquilia = la ha de tener mi hijo Juan [y la tenga], que se la doy (Santa Bárbara Maxoxotlan, 1592)
nimaco inamatl = (pasivo) yo soy dado el papel (Tetzcoco, 1595)
dicmacazque = ticmacazque = daremos (Guatemala, 1637, documento en pipil)
Auh no yquac quitecazquia yn al[ca]ldeme intopil auh ça[n] conitlacoque in tlatzo[n]que ypa[n]pa yehua[n]tin macozquia yn al[ca]ldeyotl = Y también en ese entonces los alcaldes pondrían sus varas y lo echaron a perder los sastres a causa de que [pretendían que] a ellos se les diera la alcaldía. (ca. 1582, México)