signal, sign, example, comparison, pattern, standard, insignia, mark, model (see Molina); the sign of the cross; a representation; a signature (see attestations)
tictoLaLiLia tomachioL tofirma = we place here our rubrics and signatures (Zacualco, 1629)
IZ. catqui. machiyotl = Here is an example (central Mexico, 1611)
in citlalmachiyotl = the star sign; in colonial Nahua Theater, this refers to the Star of Bethlehem. (Metepec, Valley of Toluca, 1717)
Ic chiquacen capitulo, vncan mjtoa in nez, in mottac, in machiotl, ioan in tetzaujtl, in aiamo oalhuj españoles in njcan tlalli ipan, ioan in aiamo iximachoia, in njcan chaneque. = Sixth Chapter, in which it is told how signs and omens appeared and were seen, when the Spaniards had not yet come to this land, and when they were yet unknown to the dwellers here. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
in nez, in mottac in machiotl yoā in tetzavitl = there appeared and were seen signs and omens
auh ca cenca miec in machiotl, yuan tlamahuiçolli omuchiuh ynic neci, in quenin cenca tlaçotli yn tetlapaloliztli in Aue Maria = and a great many signs and marvels occred by which it is evident how very precious is the greeting, the Hail Mary (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
In tlauilli, in ocotl, in machiotl, in octacatl, in coyaoac tezcatl: mixpan nicmana. Inin tlatolli iechpa mitoaya: in aquin tecutlatoaya, in iuicpa maceoalli, in cenca qualli tlatolli iixpan = I set before you a light, a torch, a model, a measuring rod, a great mirror. This phrase was said of a lord who spoke to the people and placed before them excellent words.
…yn ompa colhuacatepec yn quichiuhque yn inezca yn inmachiyo = Allá en Colhuacatepec hicieron su signo, su señal. (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)
amon quitlali ytoca ynmachiyo ypanpa zouatl = no escribio su nombre ni firmo porque es mujer (Tlaxcala, 1562)
...'señal, ejemplo, dechado,' llegó a significar 'la señal de la cruz' y también 'firma.'