one hundred (literally, five twenties) (see Molina and Siméon)
yoan mamacuilpoalli cintli, in cecen tlacatl, quinextiaia = and one hundred dried ears of maize. Each man brought forth this (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ya macuilpovalli y tlacat = born a hundred days ago (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
auh ynic oquimononochilique yn omomacac chicopa mamacuilpuali pesos = and what they talked about was that on seven occasions, 100 pesos each time was given for it
macuilpoalli = 100, lit. cinco veintes
Yva[n] ximaloz yhua[n] macuilpovalpa mecahuitecoz = será rapado y azotado cien veces (ca. 1582, México)