(a loanword from Spanish)
master or teacher, a person with a Master's degree
(a loanword from Spanish)
yehica ca ye huecauh achto ye maestro ynic nican Mexico = he was the first master [of theology] here in Mexico by a long time. (central Mexico, 1612)
no yehuantin cenpohualloncaxtolli in Doctoresme, yn quihualmololhuilitiaque miccatzintli. in teopixque clerigos Doctores. yhuã frayles maestros oc cenca yehuatzin in cenca mahuiztililoni masetro dr. diego de contreras cathedratico de escriptura. = also thirty-five ecclesiastical holders of the doctorate went gathered around the deceased, secular priests with the doctorate and friars with master's degrees, especially the very reverend master fray Diego de Contreras, professor of scripture. (central Mexico, 1612)
"...apparently always refers to a teacher of the Christian doctrine, as when it is expanded to maestro de doctrina." In Spanish, however, the word could sometimes mean choirmaster.
yn achtopa oquimocopinilicah yn maestroz yn tlapallaCuiloque pintores amo yuhcatzintli omoquixti yn itlaÇoxayacatzin = The first time the master artisans, the painters, had made a copy of him, his precious face did not come out as a good likeness
cantoreztin ome capillia quimachtiaya chirimiaz chaneque Sant Francisco Papalotlan Diego Hernandez mayestro = dos capillas de cantores, habitantes de San Francisco Papalotla, estudiaban chirimías; Diego Hernández era el maestro (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)