a constellation, which Molina calls "sticks of wood," but which is possibly Orion's Belt (see Molina); Sahagún identifies the constellation as "the wands of the sky , which are near the Pleiades, a group of stars in Taurus," and Tezozomoc called the constellation the Keys of St. Peter (clearly drawing from a European source); also, this is a hand tool or drill for making fire, and a backpack or frame for carrying things; finally, a pectoral
Mamalhoaztli = The Fire Drill (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
cuix àmo nocuixanco nomamalhuazco = Are you not in the security of my lapfold, in my carrying gear? (Mexico City 1649)
mamalhuaztli tehtetenqui = colcha de tableros (Amecameca, 1625)
yhuan ynin tlaococolilocatzin pipiltzitzinti centetl mamalhuaztli sahuanilla ome mantilla ce = y unos obsequios para mis hijos: un pectoral, dos sabanillas y una mantilla (Coyoacán, 1624)
Yhuan quihualhuicaya quitohuaya chicuinahui mamalhuiztl in tletl yn ihuitzinan = Y traían nueve de los llamados mamalhuaztli, que son intrumentos para hacer fuego (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)