to be shameful; to have embarrassment for others; for others to lose their shame
mamati. nino. (pret. oninomama.) ser empachoso, o vergonzoso.
mamati. nite. (pret. onitemama.) tener empacho de otros.
mamati ayocnino. (pret. ayoc oninomama.) perder a otros la verguenza.
MĀMAT(I) vrefl,vt; pret: MĀMAH to be timid, embarrassed; to be embarrassed by others / ser empacho o vergonzoso (M), tener empacho de otros (M) [(2)Cf.44r]. The preterit is homophonous with that of MĀMĀ ‘to bear something’ R attests this with MAH in place of MĀ for the first syllable. See MAT(I).