a tree’s crown, its branches and foliage (see Karttunen)
Orthographic Variants:
Frances Karttunen:
-MĀYŌ inalienably possessed form of MĀ(I)-TL a tree’s crown, its branches and foliage / su rama (Z) [(1) Tp. 131, (4)Zp. 52, 105, 159, 193]. T has this in reduplicated form –MĀMĀYŌ. M has imamainquauitl ‘branches of a tree,’ which represents the phrase ĪMĀMĀ IN CUAHUITL, literally ‘its-branches the tree,’ where the suffix –YŌ indicating inalienable possession is not used. See MĀ(I)-TL. Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 142.